Title: The Dating Misfortunes of Paige Turner
Series: Circle of Friends #1
Author: Aubrey Kendall
Release Date: May 5, 2015
Is it possible for a princess to meet her Prince Charming
for the first time and fall in love? Are the princesses we read about kidding
themselves, or do they just settle? Happily ever after is something all women
dream of as children, but how does someone meet that one exquisite man then run
off and marry him? Rubbish!
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Review by Jenny
4 1/2 Hilarious Stars
I was given this book for an honest review for Through the Booking Glass.
I really liked this book! You will crack up laughing while reminiscing with Paige Turner as she goes through her dating years.
It starts off one Paige's wedding day but we don't know the husband-to-be's name. It's like How I Meet Your Mother but the female version! She goes on lots of dates with lots of hilarious mishaps & terrible men! I was starting to really feel bad by midway the book because this poor girl just couldn't catch a break!
I love the genre! It was a bit predictable for me as far as the twist went but I thoroughly enjoyed it! If you want a fun, romantic comedy, I would totally recommend this!
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